Why Do We Have Auditions?
We have a vision for continuously increasing our worship ministry here at Eagle Heights. Auditions are a very practical tool for evaluating the skills and heart of people who feel called to serve on a worship team. And we promise that it will never be like American Idol! We want to create a non-intimidating atmosphere for our audition process as much as possible. At the same time, we value honesty, and we want to encourage the pursuit of skill in the music we present to God.
If you have a heart to lead others into meaningful worship, and you feel you are skilled with your voice or musical instrument, we would love to get to know you! Before you audition, please read the expectations and requirements below for participation on the worship team.
Basic Requirements for Participation
To be eligible for the worship team, you must consider Eagle Heights to be your home church, and have attended regularly for a minimum of 2 months. We are looking for trustworthy, team-minded people who will take the commitment seriously. Maintaining a humble, teachable attitude is very important. The worship team is not a platform for showcasing individual talents, but a place of service to the congregation. While there are similar principles used in most live music situations, every band or team experience is different. Be prepared to learn new ways of doing things even as we follow standard practices.
When You Audition
When you audition we ask that you select only one instrument. (However, if you are auditioning for an instrument, you may also try out for vocals.) We will give you a few song choices in advance and ask you to choose one to prepare for your audition. We expect you to come to the audition as musically prepared as you would come to a weekend service–and be able to execute your parts, at least, at a semi-professional level (sounding as close as possible to what is on the original recording).
Skill Requirements
Please click below for further guidelines to help you determine if you are ready to audition.