
Week of March 9th

Women’s Bible Study – You Can Still Join!
Sunday morning women’s Bible study by Kelly Minter: Many of us struggle through seasons of bitterness, tears, and loss, but our sovereign God never takes His eyes off us for even a moment. In this 7-week class through the book of RUTH, learn how God proves Himself faithful as the One who rescues, revives, and restores. Open to ages 13-113! Began March 2nd, 8:30 a.m. in room FC 7-8. Pre-order $15 workbook (never required) by texting Pam @ 405-574-4319. No childcare provided.

Financial Peace University – Wednesday, April 2nd 6:00-7:30pm
We are once again hosting Dave Ramsey’s 9-week Financial Peace University.  The classes will include videos and group discussions. Childcare will be provided for ages 3 and under as long as we are notified a week prior to the classes beginning.  Any child over age 3 will participate in our normal kids classes.

New Kids Ministry T-shirts
An online store for our new kids ministry t-shirts will be open through March 16th.  We have kids and adult sizes available.   All proceeds will go to Kids Ministry.  Get yours today!

Small Groups – Sundays – 5:30pm – In Homes and At Church
Small Groups are a vital part in connecting here at EHC.  You will build close lasting friendships with other believers and grow in your faith as you study and discuss God’s Word.  For more information, contact Mark Gaines at

Sunday Night Kids’ Ministry
We have so much fun on Sunday nights and we would love for you to join us from 5:30-7:15! Our preschoolers through 4th graders participate in a Bible lesson, Missions class, craft, recreation, and snack time.  Students in 5th and 6th grade get to hang out in Club 56 where they will participate in Bible study and fellowship.

CrossTimbers Registration has Begun!
CrossTimbers is a Children’s Mission Adventure Camp for kids who have completed 3rd-6th grade.  Register by March 30th to get the discounted price of $145. Register online at Invite your friends!

Summer Dates
CrossTimbers (completed 3rd – 6th grade) June 6-9     Super Summer: June 9-13   VBS: June 23-26     Falls Creek: July 14-19