Week of February 23rd
Women’s Bible Study Beginning March 2nd
Upcoming Sunday morning women’s Bible study by Kelly Minter: Many of us struggle through seasons of bitterness, tears, and loss, but our sovereign God never takes His eyes off of us for even a moment. In this 7-week class through the book of RUTH, learn how God proves Himself faithful as the One who rescues, revives, and restores. Open to ages 13-113! Begins March 2nd, 8:30 a.m. in room FC 7-8. Pre-order $15 workbook (never required) by texting Pam @ 405-574-4319. No childcare provided.
Discovering Eagle Heights Church – Sunday, March 2nd
Have you been considering joining EHC or would you just like to know more about our church? Our next “Discovering Eagle Heights” class is Sunday, March 2nd at 10:00 a.m. We will meet in the West Conference Room, which is in the southwest corner of our main building. If you would like to attend, please let us know by indicating on a fellowship card or call Linda at the church office.
Preschool and Early Elementary Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast – Sunday, March 2nd
Our ministry could not exist without faithful volunteers. If you serve in the preschool ministry (babies through kindergarten) or in the 1st and 2nd grade class, please join us March 2nd at 9:00 am for an appreciation breakfast and an opportunity for us to share our heart with you.
Generation Why – Saturday, March 1st – OBU – 9am to 4pm
Junior high and high school students will join other like-minded youth to dig into the Word and discover WHY you believe what you believe. Sign up now!
Small Groups – Sundays – 5:30pm – In Homes and At Church
Small Groups are a vital part in connecting here at EHC. You will build close lasting friendships with other believers and grow in your faith as you study and discuss God’s Word. For more information, contact Mark Gaines at mark@eagleheightschurch.net.
CrossTimbers Registration has Begun!
CrossTimbers is a Children’s Mission Adventure Camp for kids who have completed 3rd-6th grade. Register by March 30th to get the discounted price of $145. Register online at eagleheightschurch.net.
ATTENTION: Sign up for the EHC Text Alerts!
Don’t miss out on weather closures, important information, and reminders. Sign-up for the church-wide text alerts and for the more specific groups like the Student and Children’s ministries, as well.
*Church-wide: text EHC to 43506
*Student Ministry: text EHCSTUDENTS to 43506 (This text alert is for students and their parents or guardians)
*Kids’ Ministry: text EHCKIDS to 43506
Summer Dates
CrossTimbers (completed 3rd – 6th grade) June 6-9 Super Summer: June 9-13 VBS: June 23-26 Falls Creek: July 14-19